Thursday 16 June 2011

Animal Linoprints

I liked the imagery I had used in my art in the dark series and so decided to use these images again but in a different medium. I hadn't done much printmaking during my time at Kingston Uni and so decided to give this a shot.
From this I created these main two pieces of the Lion and the Wolf

Instead of using several sheets of lino for each layer I favoured to only use one sheet of lino and take out each layer one at a time, hence why each one took at least a month considering the images are A3 size. Each image consists of 3 layers and I was going to have a black outline layer but I felt this would ruin the image.
The colours I used are based on colour symbolism and what they represented and I thought they best suited the animal especally in one sense where it's believed the lion represents the sun and wolf, the moon.

I wanted to take these further and even printed them on a t-shirt but then this in a way started to look like animal rights imagery and so played on this further and created these images.

The first image plays with the idea of rubbish and the enviornment and evey time we don't recycle etc the animals are getting effected. Also another idea is the whole theme of animals being brought for the fun of it and then just dumped when not needed. Both of these are wrong but I feel the image speaks for itself as the wolf and lion howl out in pain.

The bottom image happened by accident and I felt the title of the paper suited the image really well, it is what it is. Bold and the Beautiful.

Overall I wanted to create more of these images and even had a Bear and Eagle lined up to print but didn't really get positive feedback and pretty much got told these don't suit a fine art environment.....charming!

Thursday 9 June 2011

Art in the Dark

Two images I produced using Glowstick Liquid and long exposure photography. Used the Lion and Wolf due to their power which I think works within these colours. I also liked the fact that once exposed to air I could only get this image once and it would never be the same again. In a weird way this symbolises what animals are really like and how when extinct they will never be back again and so we should look after what we have left whilst we can.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Mothers of Africa and Colourful Cats Painting

Did these in my second year and just recently found them, hoping to do the other 'Mother of.....' series soon. These are based on animals that originate from these particular contenants and symbolise the bond between mother and child. Style is based on Franz Marc who was a colourful animal artist.

Animals Included are the Lion, Elephant, Zebra and Giraffe. These are all done using watercolour on A1/A0 size paper. Copyright belong to me, Emily Lamb. Hoping to do the others over summer so keep watching.

Also dug up this old work which is in a similar style.

Same as the other images these are produced using watercolour and heavily influenced by Franz Marc, German Expressionist.

Colourful and Normal Sketches

Just some random skecthes I produced of animal studies in colour and just normal pencil.

Monday 6 June 2011

Animal Photography

Photography I took at London Zoo. Theme was capturing the animal as it is in a human environment but still make them have that wild factor they would have in the wild.

Vulture, 2011
Digital Photography
(copyright - Emily Lamb)

Royal Blue Tang, 2011
Digital Photography
(copyright - Emily Lamb)

Gorilla, 2011
Digital Photography
(copyright - Emily Lamb)

Rattlesnake, 2011
Digital Photography
(copyright - Emily Lamb)

Bengal Tiger, 2011
Digital Photography
(copyright - Emily Lamb)